Saturday, June 25, 2011

M'sian diaspora marches with Bersih

[click to enlarge]

Malaysian diaspora, in support of their brethren in Malaysia, will also join in the march in Seoul, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Osaka, Los Angeles, Sanfrancisco and NewYork.

BERSIH 2.0 - The Times They Are A-Changin'

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Another day, another bogeyman raised

In all the furore surrounding the Bersih 2.0 rally, I couldn’t help noticing that all the things and events used to scare us are being dragged out yet again, presumably so that we would all be scared of history repeating itself and therefore stick to the status quo.

First up is of course the spectre of May 13. Time and again self-serving politicians bring this up to remind us to toe the line. You know what? I was born after 1969. I didn’t live through those events, and all I know about May 13 I learnt through my own endeavours.

If May 13 is so important to us, and if we’re always exhorted to remember it, then why, if we so much as try to discuss what happened then, are we told NOT to do so because it may be detrimental to our racial sensibilities?

I mean, come on. How can we be expected to remember something that we don’t fully know about, and that nobody seems to want to discuss objectively? It’s as if we rakyat are little children told by our adult politicians not to open a cupboard because monsters hide in there. What rubbish.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my country, and I have no wish to see it descend into Arab Spring-like chaos, but I think our politicians should give us a bit of credit too. Most of us are actually mature adults capable of holding rational discussions.

Yes, the events of May 13 were horrendous, and I fervently wish that it would not happen again, but I also think that we need to bust the myth of May 13 by discussing it openly so that we can learn from it — the lessons learnt in its aftermath might need reviewing after more than 40 years.

Then there’s the other favourite bogeyman — the Jews. For a country that doesn’t even have a Jewish population, politicians of a certain type in our country are obsessed by the Jews. Anyone accused of blackening the country’s name is denounced as an “agent of the Jews.”

Have any of these people even met a Jewish person? Funnily enough, they’re just like you and I (contrary to what an ustaz told me years ago, they don’t have hooked noses either!) and quite frankly, I think most Jewish people have other things to think about than worrying about our country!

I don’t quite get this obsession with the Jews actually. Is it because of Israel, and its treatment of the Palestinians? Is it because we want to show solidarity with the Arab world? Is it just because they’re Jews?

Well, at the risk of sounding callous, the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is no better and no worse than the treatment of the Talibans towards their fellow Muslims when they were in power in Afghanistan (where were the demonstrations and agitations against the Taliban then, eh? And what about those Saudis and their penchant for beheading maids who have the temerity to strike back against employers who abuse them?). There are bad people everywhere. Should we demonise an entire race just because one country oppresses some of its people?

Yes, I too feel anger when I see the demolition of houses in the West Bank; when I see the shelling in Gaza. I too feel anguished when I read about men and women forced to abandon their ancestral lands simply because a wall has arbitrarily split their land into two. I too feel loathing when I read about the attitudes some of the Israeli settlers have towards the Palestinians.

But you know what? If I was an Israeli I would probably feel a lot of hatred towards the Palestinians too, because Hamas and its ilk have made life unpalatable. All I’m saying is, there are two sides to every story. Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are whiter than white and I find it extremely tiresome when a Malaysian politician peddles the Jewish line to score some points because it just comes across as being ill-informed and plain nasty.

In fact, what I find even more seriously disturbing is our prime minister inviting the likes of Robert Mugabe and Omar al-Bashir to our country to attend the recent Langkawi International Dialogue conference. I know why they were invited, but really, the excuse that we need to have dialogue with these types of people is nonsense.

Mugabe has personally bankrupted his country and presided over the death of many, many Zimbabweans. The many accounts of life in Zimbabwe, especially during election campaigns, are absolutely shocking and I am sickened at the thought of that man pontificating about how evil the West is, on our soil.

Yet still our PM invites this man to our country? It’s like saying we’ll invite someone like Hitler to our country so that we can engage him in dialogue. Why bother? With some tyrannical, despotic leaders it’s just not worth the effort.

Then there’s the explanation given by our PM on why it was all right to invite al-Bashir to our country — we’re not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), so we don’t have to comply with their rulings.

Goodness, how far our ethical standards have fallen! In the 1980s we boycotted South Africa because of apartheid. Now, it seems that we are more than happy to play with the leaders of tyrannical states rather than abide by the ways of the civilised world.

Actually, if I were a politician, I wouldn’t need to go too far to find something to scare Malaysians with. Forget May 13 or the Jews. A government that sees nothing amiss with playing host to murderous tyrants, and giving them a platform to air their views ... let’s just hope our politicians aren’t thinking of learning from them, especially during the Bersih 2.0 rally.

[Source :Farah Fahmy is based in London, and has written for the media. She is intrigued by trans- and international relations between Malaysia (ns) and the Rest of the World.]

Thursday, June 23, 2011

BERSIH to go global with July 9 rally

People shout slogans during the Bersih rally in Kuala Lumpur, November 10, 2007. — Reuters pic
KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — Election watchdog Bersih today confirmed that overseas rallies will be held simultaneously with its upcoming July 9 event, and that these will be spearheaded by Malaysian citizens living abroad.

Rallies will be held in Seoul (South Korea); Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (Australia); Osaka (Japan); Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York (US).

“All the overseas solidarity rallies held were initiated by Malaysian citizens living abroad who supported the demands for Perhimpunan Bersih 2.0. They personally contacted Bersih 2.0 and expressed interest in organising [rallies] where they were.

“We regard this wide interest by the Malaysian diaspora as an indication that Malaysians from all walks of life believe in the need for electoral reform and the upholding of democracy,” said a statement from the group’s steering committee today.

The committee comprises of chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, Andrew Khoo, K. Arumugam , Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard YW Yeoh, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Datuk Yeo Yang Poh, Zaid Kamaruddin, Dr Subramaniam Pillay and Arul Prakkash.

“Malaysian citizens living abroad should rise to the occasion and demand for their right to vote via postal ballot in the upcoming 13th General Election,” added the statement.

Bersih will also be conducting several roadshows nationwide prior to July 9, starting tomorrow at Shah Alam, Kuala Selangor and Johor Baru on June 25, and in Sungai Siput, Perak the day after.

A death threat was sent to Bersih 2.0 chairman Ambiga earlier today, ostensibly for planning the July 9 rally calling for free and fair elections. She has stressed, however, that the rally will carry on as planned.

The first rally in 2007 saw up to 50,000 people take to the capital’s street before they were dispersed by police armed with tear gas and water cannons.

The "1Malaysia" poll

Three months ago, this blog ran a poll with the following question:

Ever since the prime minister launched his "1Malaysia" slogan, not many Malaysians are sure of what it means. Do you? 199 responses were received.

1. It means this is a "1Malay" nation 40.2% 80
2. Heck, I sure am confused 34.7% 69
3. It means all Malaysians will be treated equally 25.1% 50

Ibrahim Ali sudden U-turn in wanting to cause harm to the Chinese prompted me to post this

Is Ibrahim Ali the most misunderstood man in the country????

Ibrahim Ali meeting the press at Parliament House

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What our Election Commission can learn from the Election Commission of India

Those of you familiar with Indian politics and have been to Chennai during the April 13 election would have noticed the conspicuous absence of posters, banners, hoardings in the city, even though campaigning was at its peak for in Tamil Nadu.

This is in a stark contrast to its past elections. Tamil Nadu used to be known for its dominating, life-sized cut outs of political personalities dotting the landscape at poll time. The 2011 election campaign has done away with all that, thanks to the tough stand adopted by the Election Commission of India.

The distinguished Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi, the chief election commissioner, without mincing his words, called Tamil Nadu the most challenging of all elections. Even before the polls began to the five state assemblies, he felt that not only “violence” would pose a big challenge in West Bengal and in Tamil Nadu, it would also be money politics.

But I was informed by many distinguished members of civil society that the April 13 election was in all aspects an Election Commission’s election, not one of Dravidian parties.

The EC was fiercely independent, accountable, professional and had a dedicated yearning to promote free and fair elections in the world’s largest democracy. They were not pussies pretending to be Tigers or proxies and cronies of incumbents and on the take.

Election rulings pertaining even to posters were strictly enforced, what more other fundamental issues to ensure fair and free elections.

The EC seized millions in cash after putting in place ‘flying squads’ to address corruption and abuse whenever a tip-off from the members of the public came in.

Well-connected politicians became so rattled by the EC’s tough standthat the chief minister publicly attacking the EC for declaring what he termed as a “mini emergency” in the state.

When Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee was in Chennai to release the Congress party’s manifesto, he skirted around the controversy by saying that he did not want to comment on the functioning of the Election Commission, mandated by the Constitution to conduct free and fair elections.

That statement in itself was a powerful message of things that were to come and the change taking place for free and fair elections in the various states of India. An ordinary Inspector of Police stopped the convoy of GK Vasan, senior Congress leader in Dindigul, because there were more than the permitted four cars in the convoy.

The said Inspector who stopped the Congress convoy said he would have to be answerable to the EC if he allowed them more than the allotted number of cars in a convoy. It showed how seriously the State Electoral Officer, Praveen Kumar and his team, were taking to their jobs without fear or favour.

The EC’s fearlessness and heroic stories of ordinary officials doing their duty at considerable risk is admirable. Another story was in Tiruchy, where a woman official, a revenue division officer, equivalent to a sub divisional magistrate in the north on her first posting, had received a call in the dead of night, informing her of money being transported in a bus.

She immediately set out with her driver and office boy, picking up a couple of police inspectors on the way, and confiscated Rs 5 crores found in five bags on top of the bus. Voters were encouraged by the fact that the EC had got its act together even before the notification of elections.

In Madurai, a stronghold of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi’s son, MK Azhagiri, the EC transferred four collectors and six police officials, among whom was superintendent of police. The new collector did not think twice about entering the house of Azhagiri’s lieutenants and checking on complaints filed against them.

The result – massive landslide victories all over and in Tamil Nadu.

New Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, J Jayalalitha, ascribed her party’s decisive victory in the polls to the people’s anger against the DMK regime and the EC for its fantastic job in ensuring a free and fair polls.

In West Bengal, former Union Rail Minister, the fiery no-nonsense Mamata Banerjee won a landslide as well, and in Kerala another great result.

Kerala’s ousted chief minister was reported to have left on a bicycle refusing to use the official car for the drive home and agreeing to pay for whatever phone bill he had incurred during his tenure, from his pension.

Talk about politics of accountability!

Just imagine what the world of politics would be IF only ECs in different jurisdictions had the religious and mental courage to do the same rather than continuing to betray voters in return for various forms of gratuitous rewards and payments.

[Source: Jacob George is president of the Consumer Association of Subang and Shah Alam, Selangor (Cassa)]

The rise of the unemployed graduates

Looking at the chart below, does anyone have any idea how to turn the tide of unemployment for our graduates? Do the UMNO government have any clue how to deal with the situation?

Expect the second attack from Anonymous?

A clip posted on video-sharing site YouTube has threatened another attack on Malaysian websites, this time on the website of the Prime Minister’s Office but a group of hackers credited for the last attack say they are not responsible this time.

Although the video appears to be produced by the notorious hacker group Anonymous, the group has said that the video is a fake in a Twitter post on the @TheAnonymousAd account mentioned in the initial threat last week.

“No. Someone trying to copy,” it said in a reply when asked on Twitter if the video was by Anonymous.

The video said that the PM’s website would be targeted on July 4 at 8.37pm local time.

The video featured a still image with information of the planned attack and a digitised female voice reading out a monologue that appears to be adapted straight out of the film “V for Vendetta.”

“He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent,” it said, before repeating the message from last week’s attack that Malaysia was one of the worst countries in the world in terms of censorship.

Anonymous had attacked the official website of the Malaysian government in an act of protest against Internet censorship last week.

According to a statement posted on the Pastebin website, the group named the recent move to block file-sharing sites like Pirate Bay and whistleblowers WikiLeaks as “inexcusable” acts of censorship which took away “basic human rights.”

“For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared,” the group said.

Anonymous has taken credit for other high-profile attacks such as a December 2010 response to pressure against WikiLeaks to stop the controversial website from publishing classified United States diplomatic cables.

In retaliation, it brought down MasterCard and Visa’s websites and staged attacks on other online commerce sites perceived to be anti-WikiLeaks such as Amazon and PayPal.

The planned attack came despite last week’s arrest of 32 suspects in Turkey after the group also cited censorship for attacks on government sites there.

Good evening, Malaysia.

Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday. I thought we could mark this day sixteenth of june, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now Prime Minister. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.

We shall bring down the entire countries national infrastructure. We shall make this a day to be remembered.

This is your second warning.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect Us.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Humour

What a week it has been. With tension escalating as we approach the July 9 gathering of BERSIH, PERKASA and UMNO Youth, I thought it would be best to loosen up a bit with some humour.

Paddy was in New York .

He was patiently waiting and watching the traffic cop on a busy street crossing. The cop stopped the flow of traffic and shouted, 'Okay, pedestrians.' Then he'd allow the traffic to pass.

He'd done this several times, and Paddy still stood on the sidewalk.

After the cop had shouted, 'Pedestrians!' for the tenth time, Paddy went over to him and said, 'Is it not about time ye let the Catholics across?' [Paddy thought when the cop mentioned "pedestrians", he thought he meant "Protestants".]
Gallagher opened the morning newspaper and was dumbfounded to read in the obituary column that he had died. He quickly phoned his best friend, Finney.

'Did you see the paper?' asked Gallagher. 'They say I died!!'

'Yes, I saw it!' replied Finney. 'Where are ye callin' from?'
Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender, 'Pour me a stiff one - just had another fight with the little woman.'

'Oh yeah?' said Charlie, 'And how did this one end?'

'When it was over,' Mike replied, 'She came to me on her hands and knees.'

'Really,' said Charles, 'Now that's a switch! What did she say?'

She said, 'Come out from under the bed, you little chicken.'
David staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy, Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Kathleen.

He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful.

Managing not to yell, David sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his butt cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Band-Aids and began putting a Band-Aid as best he could on each place he saw blood..

He then hid the now almost empty Band-Aid box and shuffled and stumbled his way to bed.

In the morning, David woke up with searing pain in both his head and butt and Kathleen staring at him from across the room.

She said, 'You were drunk again last night weren't you?'

David said, 'Why you say such a mean thing?'

'Well,' Kathleen said, 'it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but mostly ...... it's all those Band-Aids stuck on the hall mirror.

Records from the I M H-(Institute of Mental Health)

Record I

Patient A: "So how... this book not bad yah?"

Patient B: "Yah agree, excellent! Astounding work. No nonsense,

sharp and concise to the point. But there's a major flaw in this piece of art
– too many character names to remember!!!"
Nurse: "Hey! Can the two of you put the telephone

book back to the original place?"

Record II
A doctor asked a patient: "If I were to cut one of your ears off,
what will happen to you?"

Patient: "Then I will not be able to hear..."

Doctor: "Hmm....that's if I were to cut your other ear
off, what will happen then?"

Patient: "I will not be able to see"

The doctor became nervous and asked: "Why would you not see then???"

Patient: "Because my spectacles will fall off"

Record III
IMH has an old lady who wears black, carries a black umbrella and
squats at the entrance to the IMH everyday without fail, rain or shine.

The doctor wanted to administer treatment for her but decided to
understand her behavior first.

So, the doctor also wears black and carries a black umbrella; squatted
besides her everyday.

The days go by...the two of them squatted side-by-side w/o a single
exchange of word. After one solid month, the old lady finally broke
the silence and asked the doctor: "Err...Excuse me! Are you also a

Record IV
A nurse saw a patient writing a letter. She got curious and went to
take a
peek. But the patient didn't wanna let her see.

Nurse (unable to contain her curiosity): "Who are you writing to?"

Patient: "I'm writing a letter to myself"

Her curiosity grew and she thought to herself (Why would someone
write a letter to himself?)

So she asked again: "So...what's written inside?"

Patient (got impatient): "You crazy ah? I haven't received the
letter, how would I know??"

Record V
Two patients escape from the IMH. They climbed up a tree and one of
them fell from the tree and started rolling on the ground.

After a while, the patient below shouted to the one on top: "Hey!
How come you are not coming down yet?"

The patient on top replied: "No. no...I can't...I'm not ripe yet"

Record VI
One patient visited the doctor: "Doc...How? I think I'm a chicken
since the day I was born..."

Doctor: "Wah! That's very serious. Why do you only come and seek
treatment now?"

Patient: "Because my family needs me to hatch the eggs."

Record VII
One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH.

He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home. He jacked
up the truck and took the flat tyre down. When he was about to fix the
spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the drain. As he can't
fish the bolts out, he started to panic.

One patient happened to walk past and asked the driver what happened.

The driver thought to himself, since there's nothing much he can
do; he told the patient the whole incident.

The patient laughed at him & said "can't even fix such a simple wonder you are destined to be a truck driver..."

Here's what you can do, take one bolt each from the other 3 tyres
and fix it onto th is tyre. Then drive to the nearest workshop and replace the
missing ones, easy as that"

The driver was very impressed and asked "You're so smart but why
are you here at the IMH?"

Patient replied: "Hello, I stay here because I'm crazy not STUPID!"

AMAN : Count us in!

Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (Aman) representing 20 major Indian NGOs are fully supporting and will participate in Bersih 2.0.

The government administration could learn something from the Singapore government and the Tamil Nadu general election, where ruling parties had emerged slightly bruised from its recent general election and said they would listen to the voters.

What Bersih wants is a higher standard of elections. We want clean elections. Now, is that too much to ask? The time has come to make our stand clear, effectively, without fear or favour and for the sake of justice, truth, clean, fair and balance deal.

People rights first!

Barathidasan is Secretary General of the NGO Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (AmaN)

BERSIH 2.0 launched. It's all system go for July 9

To a clatter of drums and flashing placards, Bersih 2.0 chief S Ambiga launched the eight point demands of the free and fair elections advocacy coalition in Kuala Lumpur tonight.

ambiga at bersih launchThe eight point demand will spearhead the massive Bersih 2.0 'Walk For Democracy' planned for July 9 that has been hot topic all of last week.

Ambiga's speech was read to the thunderous applause and cheers of the over 700 activists, civil society and NGO members crammed into the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.

The crowd's reception to the planned peaceful public demonstration was rousing, seemingly undaunted by the threats of counter rallies by Malay rights group Perkasa and Umno Youth as well as warnings of stern action by the authorities.

"bersih launching badrul hishamAs of now, the rally will go on," assured Ambiga, adding that whatever happened to her personally would not impede the plans for event as the walk represents the wishes of the rakyat.

Earlier Perkasa promised to counter Bersih's march with their own until the latter backs down, stomping on images of Ambiga and making a plethora of threats.

As the day developed, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim threw a gauntlet to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak that if the premier can assure free and fair elections by tomorrow, he would ask Ambiga to call off the Bersih rally.

Undaunted, Ambiga said the rally was “not about me” and it was not Anwar's place to make such a call to halt the people's demand for a fair and free electoral process.

Malaysians abroad marching along

Ambiga meanwhile also announced that Malaysians and supporters of democracy overseas will also be holding peaceful demonstrations in front of their respective Malaysian embassies or high commissions in solidarity with Bersih 2.0.

bersih launching crowd 2At 2pm local time on July 9, simultaneous demonstrations will be held in London, Canberra and Sydney as well as Taiwan..

These overseas demonstrations will show that Malaysians everywhere are united in the cause for free and fair elections in the country, she said.

Earlier when approached by reporters before the launch, Ambiga rubbished Information, Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim's allegations that hackers who had crippled 41 government websites last week were linked to the electoral reform movement.

"We are not great," she joked, calling the claims farfetched.

Opposition party PAS has pledged to mobilise 100,000 of its members for the Bersih 2.0 rally planned for July 9 to push for free and fair elections.

"At least 100,000 thousand PAS members will come down for the rally," said party central working committee member Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi, the Islamic party's representative for the event launch tonight.

Syed Azman (right) also pledged PAS' support for the movement, although he was quick to add that Bersih does not belong to any political party but to the rakyat.

PAS members are known for their discipline and they often make up significant numbers in many opposition and civil society movements and rallies because of the party's ability to mobilise mass support.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WHAT????? PERKASA have been given the permit to assemble today?????

On 17th June 2011, the police issued a permit for PERKASA to organise a rally. The permit was issued merely one day after PERKASA applied for it (on 16th June 2011). The assembly, expected to attract 2,000 participants, will be held at the Kelab Sultan Sulaiman on 19th June 2011 (where Pakatan Rakyat once tried to organise a rally but was rejected on grounds of 'security'). Normally, you need to apply for the permit 14 days before the planned rally. I doubt Khairy even enjoyed such privilege whenever he organised a demonstration in the past.

So now, will our men in blue issue the same for PERKASA to assemble on July 9?

(click to enlarge)