Friday, August 3, 2012

This picture is worth 10,000 words

I can't even think of anything to add to this.  This picture is worth 10,000 words......

Yep!!! This pretty much says it all.
Needs no additional comments!!!


Never put ourselves in a dangerous and vulnerable position and this usually just entails
some common sense and alertness most of the time. Of course things do happen no matter how careful you are.
At the Car park:

Do not walk towards your car. Walk towards the next car or the car opposite.
Do lock your car immediately you get in and drive off ASAP. Please don’t check your cellphone, your makeup, etc.

At the ATM:

Use your ring finger to key in your pin, as the rest of the fingers will cover the keypad.
Do not count your money at the atm. After all it’s not going to give you what it owes to you.

In a taxi:

Pretend to make a phone call to your friend/husband informing them where you are, what time you are expected, the colour of taxi,
taxi no etc. you must of course talk within earshot of the driver.

If you live alone:

Do get some men’s clothing’s and shoes. Hang them out with your own laundry! Leave the men’s shoes outside your house.
Do leave radio/TV on.
Do be suspicious if you receive calls that seem to have got the wrong number.

If you have husbands who travel regularly:

Do drive his car when he is not around as opportunists will notice that his car is dusty and in the same spot for many days.

If you have children tell them:

Never to post photos of your new car on Facebook.
Never to reveal that they are ‘home alone’ or parents are away.

Also, get the telephone number of the police station in your area and list it as the first number in your phone contact list rather
than list it under "P"
Calling 999 in an emergency will be a futile attempt.

Safety Gadgets:

1.Keeping a loudhailer at home would be more effective than screaming and shouting for help in an emergency.
2.Install sensor lights
3.Pepper spray - they have a shelf life. So you must check the expiry date otherwise it will fail you when you need to use it!

Pepper sprays must be
a. Water based
b. Must be US made with finger ring on the bottom
c. Must have double casing.

4. Alarm padlocks.
5. Throw some thumbtacks up the opening in the ceiling (what do you call that?) for those who live in link houses.

If you are ever, so unfortunate to have your bag snatched, do not struggle with the assailant. Let go and do not chase after them.
Neither should your husband/boyfriend/son.

When you drop your friend/loved ones home, especially those who live in apartments, get them to text you once they are inside
the safety of their homes. I think we should drill this in to our sons who drop off their girlfriends.

Please make sure you are not adding to this statistic.
1. do not rush from work or to work. Breathe! Start early.
2. put your valuables away, and carry less in your handbag. Get a debit card. Consolidate your banking accounts.
3. forget about all these labelled bags until Malaysia gets peaceful again.
4. never talk on your cellphone, and i mean never when driving.
5. pay attention to pillion driver that operate in pairs. At traffic lights, keep a distance from the car in front of you. If they attack you,
just swerve you car at them. HONK, HONK, HONK Loud…..they could have tailed you..
6. try not to wear too much jewelry, ie. big gold, flashy loopy earrings and long gold chain- you will be asking to be grabbed, and
they will smash from the right.
7. avoid big gold bangles and expensive fancy watches
8. keep a pair of sunglasses and wear them when driving, but not at night
9. plan your diary well, smash and grab robbers attack people even when there are two of you in the car.
10. these robbers attack mostly from 7.00 to 10 am and also from 4 to 7.00pm. Peak, rush hours.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Have our government at last decided to go Gospel singing for this year's National Day celebrations?

The “Janji Ditepati” (Promises Fulfilled) melody picked for National Day celebration this year is heating up the airwaves but for the wrong reasons, with some online users noting its striking resemblance to a 2008 gospel song by Jakarta-based Christian band True Worshippers, featuring Indonesian songstress Ruth Sahanaya.

The latest controversy, coming just days after a public furore forced Putrajaya to axe the badly-designed 55th National Day logo in favour of the 1 Malaysia logo, could see more red cheeks for government officials and could further strain diplomatic ties with the Southeast Asian giant.

Malaysia’s chattering class has been critical over the “Janji Ditepati” lyrics, penned by Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim but four days ago, they intensified their attacks on popular video-sharing site YouTube, and other social networking sites like Facebook after a blogger who professed to be a Christian pointed out that the song’s melody was strikingly similar to an Indonesian gospel song titled “Serukan Namanya” (Call out His name).

“Lagu tema KEMERDEKAAN MALAYSIA ke 55 kedengaran seperti LAGU Pujian di GEREJA (Malaysia’s 55th National Day theme song sounds like a church praise song),” said the anonymous blogger’s July 30 entry.

“Hal ini lagi mengejutkan sekiranya lagu tema kebangsaan di ambil dari lagu rohani org Kristen… Mungkin kementerian tidak tau tapi seharusnya pencipta lagu ni tdk berbuat demikian (menciplak) sebab did ditugaskan untk membuat lagu tema kemerdekaan. [This matter is all the more shocking if the national theme song is taken from the Christians’ spiritual song… Perhaps the ministry is unaware but the songwriter should not do so (plagiarise) because he was tasked with creating the national theme],” the blogger said.

The unnamed blogger urged the ministry to demand a refund from the songwriter and to replace the song, which has been panned for its lyrics, with another.

Copies of the posting and video links to both “Janji Ditepati” and its comparison to “Serukan Namanya” have since gone viral and were repeated on several blogs and online community fora such as, an Internet bulletin board popularly visited by Malaysians who hail from Sarawak.

“Amen, Yesuslah Raja!! Tapi sorry ya, Rais Yatim dengan lagu ‘Janji Ditepati’nya sama style dengan lagu ni (Amen Jesus is King!! But sorry, Rais Yatim with his ‘Janji Ditepati’ has the same style as this song),” said a YouTube commentor under the moniker amoker27 in one of the video clips featuring the Indonesian song here that has seen over 100,000 views since being uploaded on September 5, 2008.

The song, by Christian band True Worshippers led by Sidney Mohede and whose members include the regionally popular artiste Ruth Sahanaya, was released in their 2008 album “All Things New”.
“Now i really hate our ministry because duplicate this song and make it political in malaysia. really shame of my own country because of our idiot minister. sorry indonesia!!” said another YouTube commenter under the name vandridel.

The apology to Indonesia was in reference to upset Indonesians who attacked Malaysia’s missions in the archipelago, hurling eggs, stones and pieces of wood injuring personnel and damaging property as recently as June, claiming cultural theft after Rais had announced a move to add North Sumatra’s Tortor dance and the Gordang Sambilan drums to the its heritage list.

The two neighbouring countries are known to have a history of political, economic, and cultural friction.

But “Janji Ditepati’s” melody was purportedly created by a group of people only identified as Aye, Jasnie, Arman E six.

A YouTube posting of the video clip here has drawn over 255,000 views since it was uploaded on July 27 with over 30,600 dislikes compared to only 415 likes as of this morning.
Rais had also acknowledged the brickbats when he took to Twitter two days ago and invited the public to share their views on the song he wrote.

“Apa pandangan sdr tntg lagu janji d tepati? Di utube dah cecah 140k lebih. Tapi yg ‘ibu jari k bawah’ ada juga (What are your views on the Janji Ditepati song? On YouTube, there are more than 140,000 views. But there are those who have also given it a ‘thumbs-down’,” the minister said on his account ‏@DrRaisYatim.

[Source: The MI]

Now, listen to the two songs.

 Serukan Namanya (Call out His name) by The True Worshippers

Janji Di-tepati (Hari Merdeka Ke-55)

No prize for guessing which is the better slogan for our Merdeka Day celebrations

BN                   =  "Janji Ditepati" [Promises Fulfilled]

PAKATAN     =  “Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa” [One Race,         One Country, One Soul]

If there were to be two celebrations, which one would you attend that will make you feel more Malaysian? 

The slogan by Pakatan was contributed by Khaimi Adam and selected by a panel chaired by Pak Samad.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Humour


Kids are innocent. They will say and speak out the truth when they are
forced and given a chance.

Therefore, never tell and force your children to say or speak out on anything.

It was bed time and a smart little boy of 9 was forced to say his bedtime
prayer by his father.

Little Boy: But I don't know how to pray..

Dad in a stern voice: Just pray for your family members, friends and
neighbours, the poor, and others you could think of.

Little Boy: "Dear Lord, thank you for our visitors and their
children, who finished all my cookies and ice cream.
Bless them so they wont come again.
Forgive our neighbor's son, who removed my sister's clothes and
wrestled with her on her bed.

This coming Christmas, please send clothes to all those poor naked
ladies on my Daddy's blackberry, and provide shelter for the homeless
men who use mom's room when daddy is at work.


Two friends meet after many years ...

They talk about their past life ...

One asks the other:

- And how's your sex life?? ....

- Same As Coca-Cola .......

- Oh great! .... Full of bubbles, eh?! ....

Nothing like that! ...

Before it was 'NORMAL',
then it became 'LIGHT',
and now it is 'ZERO' !


Adult Scrabble...
Rearrange the letters to spell out an important part of the human body which is even more useful when erect.

He said to me . ... . I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got
nothing to put in it
I said to him .... . . You wear pants don't you?

He said to me ............. Shall we try swapping positions tonight?
I said to him ............... That's a good idea - you stand by the
stove & sink while I sit on the sofa and do nothing

He said to me ..... What have you been doing with all the grocery
money I gave you?
I said to him ........ Turn sideways and look in the mirror!

He said to me. ..... Why don't women blink during foreplay?
I said to him ........ They don't have time.

He said to me..... How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
I said to him ...... I don't know; it has never happened.

He said to me..... Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive,
caring and good-looking?
I said to him .......They already have boyfriends.

He said to me....What do you call a woman who knows where her husband
is every night?
I said to him..... A widow.

He said to me.... Why are married women heavier than singlewomen?
I said to him ..... Single women come home, see what's in the fridge
and go to bed..Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to
the fridge.



Barbara Walters, of 20/20, did a story on gender roles in Kabul,
Afghanistan, several years before the Afghan conflict.

She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their husbands.

She recently returned to Kabul
and observed that women still walk behind
their husbands. Despite the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime, the women now seem happy to maintain the old custom.

Ms Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, 'Why do you now
seem happy with an old custom that you once tried so desperately to change?'

The woman looked Ms
Walters straight in the eyes, and without hesitation said,

"Land mines.”

Moral of the story is (no matter what language you speak or where you go): BEHIND EVERY MAN, THERE'S A SMART WOMAN (OR MAYBE THREE).

Sunday, July 29, 2012

They are so hung up about Ambiga

One MP (moronic person) recently proposed in Parliament that Ambiga should be hung for comitting treason. Huh? Reason, this same person said that she had committed treason against the King. Huh? Protesting against a tainted electoral roll is committing teason? What twisted logic. Had he forgotten that Ambiga was even invited by the King to have a meeting with him with regard to Bershih 2.0?  These UMNO MPs (moronic people) went ballistic over the meeting. Serve them right.

Let's explore the word 'hang'.

Ever notice that whenever an UMNO fella speaks, it always end up an irony?

And with that, Ambiga could probably have found herself a place in our history books.