I was born on the prairies, where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures. [GERONIMO]
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Now this is what I call creativity
Very soon, you will be hearing this

10th Church Attacked
The Grace Global Prayer church in Rasah, Seremban, became the 10th attacked in a week, after its windows were found broken yesterday evening, in the latest incident believed to be linked to the controversial “Allah” ruling.
Police are investigating the incident.
It is the latest Christian church of several now hit by firebombs, arson attempts or vandalism.
Seremban OCPD ACP Saiful Azly Kamaruddin told The Malaysian Insider that a blunt object had been hurled through the side window of the church.
He said church workers discovered the damage at 7.30pm and immediately lodged a police report.
“We are investigating and will step up security around the church,” he said.
The day I spoke at the Hall of The Holy Spirit

There were also protests by Muslim groups and now a little over a week later, the issue has not died down but on the contrary seems to be gathering momentum through statements made by politicians and comments online and elsewhere.
So what is the real problem here? Is it even an issue in the first place? How about holding a dialogue in a civilised manner? These are questions I have tried to answer and wish to share with the readers. This is also about the day I spoke at the Hall of the Holy Spirit in Penang.
When the “Allah” issue began to spread like wildfire, my party (PAS) took a different approach. Instead of playing the race and religion card, my party went with what has guided it all along — Islamic principles.
When I spoke on Jan 13 at the Catholic Church in Island Glades, Penang, I had no difficulty talking about the issue because my understanding of the teaching of Islam provided me with the eloquence and wisdom I needed.
I started off with the simple "Peace Be Upon my Brothers and Sisters of the Christian Faith". I did not feel there was anything wrong greeting them with peace since I came here for peace. I then started to praise the Almighty, Lord of The Universe (Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin) and told my Christian friends that the word “Allah” is made for us to recognise His Greatness and Superiority, not to hate one another for using it.
I also wanted the audience to understand that I did not come for purely political reasons although I represented an Islamic political party. I wanted them to know that there are greater reasons why I came that day. So I had to use the words of Allah to express myself.
I quoted the Chapter of Al Hujurat: “O mankind, we have created you from men and women, tribes and people of different kind so that you get acquainted with one another and the best among you in eyes of Allah is the most pious.” I explained that the verses taught me not to judge others but to rely on the judgment of Allah.
If we look at others through ethno- or faith-centric eyes, we are sure to be biased. This will create an artificial relationship and deep down the hatred will remain although it is concealed.
The best way is to surrender judgment to Allah’s interpretation and standard. He said clearly that the best among you are the most pious! What a splendid exit from an ethno- and faith-centric relationship.
I extended further my contention that there is a need for a more sincere relationship by quoting yet another chapter of the Quran from Al Isra when He said: “I have honored Sons of Adam and made them conquered the sea and land, I have endowed upon them wealth of the universe and have favored them more than my other creations.”
I had to make people of other faiths understand this so we can avoid disrespect and hatred. If a faith relationship is based purely on faith then there would never be the notion of Humanity, there would be no notion of Respect and you can forget about engaging in Dialogue and Talk.
What this gathering is all about is our commonality, Christians or Muslims are all Allah’s creation. I also told them about the time the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stood up in respect as a Jewish funeral passed by. His companions asked why one should respect a non-believer? The Prophet said clearly: “Is he not HUMAN?”
Kicking off the talk this way gave me the strength I needed to defuse the tension. I moved in into the issue and provided them first of all PAS’s stand on the ruling. I began to clarify that with a verse from the chapter of Zukhruf.
The very basis of this verse shows that the issue of using the word “Allah” has come up before, and the Quran has said clearly that if non-believers accept that it is Allah, not other deities, that created them, the Prophet shall not worry about why they are using the word Allah but should engage in peace and explain to them so ultimately it is hoped that they know who the real Allah is!
I cannot ban what has been permitted because I would be dishonest about the knowledge of God although the blanket approval does not mean one can use it for bad intentions or create confusion. I do not understand the fuss about non-Muslims using the word “Allah” as long as the condition is they do not use it with any bad intentions!
I had to conclude that this is simply not an issue, then why all the rage? I told them unfortunately it was the politicians who had highly politicised everything including the word Allah.
Being a politician myself I felt bad as the issue has threatened the very fabric of our society. I told the audience to beware of the Munafiqin (The Pretenders), they are everywhere looking for victims and prey.
I said: “Our society is going through changes and on the course of that, perceptions are challenged, old ways of doing things are been questioned, it is hoped that whatever process of change we are doing, there is always a future for all Malaysians to live in peace and harmony.”
And that was when the rather sombre and serious atmosphere in the hall changed. There were smiling faces all over, this aura of hope gave both Muslims and Christians yet another new chapter in our society. A chapter called Dialogue in a Civilised Manner, a chapter called Humanity and a new dawn for Malaysia will surely come... that was the day when I spoke at the Hall of Holy Spirit.
Friday, January 15, 2010
PAS True Colours Appeal to Non-Muslims
That changed when the Roman Catholic Church sued the Barisan Nasional government in late 2007 to regain its right to use the term “Allah” to describe the Christian God in Bahasa Malaysia.
The Islamist party has already publicly backed the Catholics, citing the fact that the Quran does not prohibit the usage. But its support now comes at a cost within its own Malay/Muslim base.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that a majority of Malays/Muslims — who form 60 per cent of the country — disagree with the Dec 31 High Court ruling. The bulk of them are PAS supporters.
So why is the PAS leadership doing this, countering their image as a group of hard-line fundamentalist Muslims bent solely on setting up an Islamic state where, as painted by their political rivals, non-Muslims could face a host of prohibitions?
Simple. Despite their failings and conservatism, every decision made by the Islamist party is grounded by the Quran.
It has been their supreme guide since 1951, no matter whether Malay nationalists or religious scholars helm the party.
There is also a political imperative and logic at work here. Yes, PAS could lose 5 to 10 per cent of the Malay vote but the opportunity to show non-Muslims that it is not an extremist party is priceless.
And that is what Umno fails to understand in the aftermath of the landmark ruling. PAS knows that its hardcore base of supporters will not desert it. That’s about 40 per cent of the Malay vote.
And by being firm in its principle, PAS now stands to reap support from the non-Muslims and perhaps a slice of the Christian vote that has, more often than not, backed the Barisan Nasional.
PAS spiritual chief Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s offer to host an inter-faith meeting this Jan 28 shows its confidence in handling the issue and projecting itself as a party that will take care of all people despite its Islamist outlook.
And Nik Aziz’s two-decade rule of Kelantan also reflects the party’s tolerance, if not respect, for non-Muslims. His pronouncements, policies and rulings have affected Muslims more, feeding their need for a pious life while allowing non-Muslims to worship and conduct their own legitimate affairs.
PAS’ true colours of setting up an Islamic state might still be a scary thought for some, but it might now appeal to more with its ready support of the Christians’ right to use “Allah” based on what is contained in the Quran.
Faith. It might just move mountains after all.
Geronimo's Take : After viewing the 101 East screening of "Whose God?", there is no doubt in anybody's mind that PAS will swing more the non-Muslim votes in their favour in the coming 13GE, and it will cost UMNO and BN plenty. For all we know, UMNO could have already lost their "fixed deposits" in Sarawak and Sabah.
101 East - Whose God?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Malaysian, again!

When the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination results were released last year, the country's leading Chinese-language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao used the headline: Top O-Level student again a Malaysian”.
I was attracted by the word “again”.
Her name is Lai Kai Rou and same as top student last year Haw Sue Hern, she studied in S.R.J.K (C) Lick Hung before going to study in Singapore.
The report stressed that in S.R.J.K (C) Lick Hung, everything is taught in Chinese except for English subject. I would like to add that S.R.J.K (C) Lick Hung is a Chinese primary school.
Lai, who has again won glory for the country, is one of the 17 foreign students among the 43 top O-Level scorers.
I must mention here that among the above-mentioned 17 foreign students, 11 of them are from China and six of them are Malaysians. The number is equal to 40% of the 43 top scorers.
Singaporeans exclaimed in surprise. They wondered why there were so many foreigners among the top scorers.
"In fact, leaving home is no longer about the pain of 'homesick' but the freedom without fear!" |
At the same time, we also exclaimed in surprise. We wondered why so many top students have gone to Singapore.
Singaporeans were wondering why the top O-Level student was not a Singaporean and why Singaporean students were lack of spirit compared to foreign students.
Meanwhile, we were wondering why we always lose talents.
Lai said: “I like the freedom given by the peaceful Singapore, it allows me to move around without worry.”
In fact, leaving home is no longer about the pain of “homesick” but the freedom without fear!
Of course, a little girl's way of thinking is relatively simple. For her parents (both graduates of the University of Malaya), studying in Singapore allows her to enjoy other freedoms. For example, the freedom of choosing a university, the freedom of choosing a major and the freedom of getting a scholarship based on academic results without the so-called quota system and colour distinction.
How many Malaysian students, like Lai and her younger brother, have been flocking to further their studies in Singapore right after they have completed their primary schools with the scholarship provided by Singapore every year?
And how many Malaysian students from Chinese independent high schools (second-class students and copycats for Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and historian and academician Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim) have been enrolled into prestigious universities of the Lion City every year and end up settling down while contributing to the prosperity of the country?
There are many shining stars who are originated from Malaysia in Singapore. For example, founder, Group Chief Executive Officer, and President of the Singapore-based Hyflux Group Olivia Lum used to be an orphan from Perak; and Chief Executive Officer of Jetstar Asia Chong Phit Lian was just a little girl selling pineapples at her own doorstep in Kulai, Johor when she was six.
The current Health Minister of Singapore Khaw Boon Wan is also originated from Malaysia. He used to study in the Penang Chung Ling High School.
In fact, there are too many similar stories to tell.
(By LIM MUN FAH/Translated by SOONG PHUI/MySinChew)
Church in Johore splashed with red paint
The St Elizabeth Catholic church in Kota Tinggi, Johor, was vandalised this morning, with red paint splashed on its walls. This makes it the ninth church hit by firebombs, arson attempts or vandalism in the past week.
Before today’s incident, eight Christian churches and a convent school in Selangor, Perak, Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Sarawak had been hit so far in the attacks following the Dec 31, 2009 High Court decision allowing the Catholic Church’s Herald to use the word “Allah.”
On Tuesday, a glass sliding door to the entrance of a Sikh Temple in Sentul here was found cracked from a barrage of stones, making it the first non-Christian house of worship hit since the controversial landmark “Allah” ruling.
The Sikhs also use the term to describe God in their Punjabi language and had unsuccessfully sought to be part of the Roman Catholic Church’s legal suit to use the name, a move that has sparked the anger of Muslims in Malaysia who claim it is exclusive to them.
So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the acts of violence and the authorities have urged the public not to speculate over the attacks.
The worst hit church so far has been the Metro Tabernacle church here, which had its ground floor gutted last week.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has said the situation was under control and the attacks were isolated incidents.
He also vowed to use the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial, against those who stoke religious tension.
Yesterday, Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar revealed that police now have a lead on the “physical attributes” of the suspects in last Friday’s firebombing attack on the Metro Tabernacle Church in Taman Desa Melawati here.
Number of churches hit to date : 9
Good news for Puchong residents
PUCHONG residents received a New Year gift from the Selangor state government in the form of a promise not to develop the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve.
In a New Year celebration in Puchong on Saturday morning, Selangor Tourism, Consumer and Environment Committee chairman Elizabeth Wong announced the state’s decision to abort the proposed cemetery project in the forest reserve.
Since April 2004, the residents had been fighting for the project to be scrapped so that the forest would remain a green lung.
In 2008, more than 1,500 residents from Saujana Puchong, Lestari Puchong, Bandar Bukit Puchong, Gateway Puchong and Mutiara Indah submitted a petition, protesting against the development, to the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ).
Forest in the city: The Ayer Hitam Forest Forest in Puchong is believed to have been settled by the Temuan orang asli tribe 400 years ago, and is rich with flora and fauna.
Wong described the state’s decision as a victory for the people.
“The forest reserve is rich with flora and fauna and thus should not be developed,” Wong said.
The forest is believed to have been settled by the Temuan orang asli tribe 400 years ago, and they are now living in two villages nearby.
Orginally, the forest spanned some 4,270ha, but it was degazetted for a variety of land uses over the years.
As of February 2009, 1,217ha had been gazetted by the Selangor government as an education and research forest.
Under the jurisdiction of the Selangor Forestry Department, the forest is on an 80-year lease, dating from 1996, to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
Wong said the forest reserve was exclusively for scientific research and not open to the public, except with permission from the forestry department.
Nonetheless, following the residents’ demand, the state government is now looking at degazetting a part of the forest reserve for a recreational forest.
“If possible, the site should be a degraded forest.
“We’ll probably cut some trails and make it into a site like Bukit Gasing.
“But we are not going to chop down trees for this, so as not to defeat the whole purpose,” Wong said.
The orang asli, who have vast knowledge of the forest, would be invited to be part of this plan by working as guides or guardians.
Wong added that the effort in retaining the forest reserve was in line with the United Nations’ International Year of Biodiversity, which was launched on Monday in Berlin, Germany.
“It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity in our lives.
“We will do more this year to avert the crisis,” Wong said.
Meanwhile, the state government, through the state planners, is looking for a more suitable site for the cemetery project.
Negara Ku
Are we saying that the word 'Tuhan' is used in a very wide sense and it includes Allah and whatever god you believe in?
But some Muslims say that 'Allah' is their only god. So won't it be confusing for Muslims?
I wonder how many Muslims got confused by this.
How come nobody made a fuss about this?
And since Malaysia is a Muslim country, maybe we should consider changing the word 'Tuhan' to 'Allah'.
But then again, if we change it to 'Allah', then non-Muslims cannot sing 'Negaraku' anymore because the word is supposedly exclusive for Muslims only.
Pretty confusing, this 'Allah' and 'Tuhan' issue, eh?
How could this have happened? Thrown out by his own son
KANGAR - Abdul Rahman Talib, 57, felt like his heart was bleeding as he stepped out of his son’s car. Suddenly, he was there by the roadside – alone.
Minutes earlier, his son had asked him to get out of the house.
Stranded by the roadside and with no particular place to go, the former fisherman spent the night in the shelter of a bus stop.
Just a few days back, he was fighting for his life in a hospital bed after a heart attack.
This is not another heart-wrenching scene from a TV production. The real life drama happened here less than a week ago.
Left with just a bundle of clothes
Relating his woeful story to Malay tabloid Harian Metro on Tuesday, Abdul Rahman said it happened on Jan 7, after he returned from a heart operation at the Penang Hospital.
"I was shocked when, minutes after stepping into the house, my son – instigated by his wife – told me to go away.
"He took me in his car to the bus stop and left me there with just a bundle of clothing," he told the paper.
“I was in tears as I stepped out of the car. Never had I expected to be treated like this by my own son...after all the years of caring and loving that I had given him," sobbed Abdul Rahman, who used to be a fisherman in Kampung Belah Batu, Kuala Perlis.
With nowhere to go that evening, Abdul Rahman wandered aimlessly for a while and then returned to the bus stop to sleep through his sorrow.
The next day, he said, his hope of returning home was raised when his son came back to the bus stop, located in front of the SK Datuk Wan Ahmad here.
Abdul Rahman, however, was stunned again when the son only came to deliver an old bicycle for the father to "easily move about."
In need, a friend indeed
While wandering about on his second day in the streets, Abdul Rahman bumped into an old friend, who later invited him to his (the friend's) home for food and shelter. He stayed there three days.
Abdul Rahman, who is divorced, said he used to get welfare aid of RM300 a month from the Social Welfare Department. But this stopped when he moved in to live with his son in Kangar more than a month ago.
He said after giving up his fishing trade, he worked for five years as a helper at a restaurant in Langkawi. He has a married daughter who also lives on the island.
Abdul Rahman, who had stayed on his own, said his son persuaded him to follow him back here to help him at his (the son’s) food stall.
"I was working at a restaurant in Pokok Asam, Langkawi. But my son had insisted that I moved here and work with him.
"Moreover, the house here was bought with my money. I had a house previously at my fishing village.
“But when the government decided to build a railway line to pass through the village, I was given some compensation. It was with this money that I bought the house here,” he said.
A cold response
However, he claimed, after moving into the house he began to notice the cold response given to him by both his son and daughter-in-law.
He said when he collapsed at a bus stop because of a heart problem; he had to force himself to go alone to the Penang Hospital for a surgery.
"During the four days that I was at the hospital fighting for my life, neither my son nor his wife came to see me.
"I thought that they were, perhaps, too busy at their food stall.”
After his discharge from the hospital, he travelled back to Kangar.
“I was truly shocked when, on returning home, my son told me to get out of the house," he sobbed. -Malaysian Mirror
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Inside Story - Religious violence in Malaysia
As foretold, it finally happened
A glass window of the entrance door of the Sikh Temple in Jalan Haji Salleh, Sentul near here was found cracked at about 6.45pm today after several stones were hurled at the temple.
Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu Osman, when contacted, confirmed the incident.
During the incident, he said, several volunteers who were busy cleaning the temple witnessed stones flying into its main entrance and immediately alerted the police.
Some 20 stones were thrown from outside the temple compound, he said, adding that police had retrieved the stones and were carrying out further investigations.
[Source: Bernama]
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Views from East Malaysia

The battle might be between the Roman Catholic Church and the government over the right to use “Allah” but the ones most affected are those in Sabah and Sarawak.
As Sabah leader Tan Sri Bernard Dompok pointed out, they worship in Bahasa Malaysia as its the national language and Bibles are in that language because it is not feasible to print or translate it to their various dialects.
More importantly, “Allah” is their word for God, the same as for the Malays, who borrowed it from the Arabs.
Semantics aside, the people in Borneo do not see the fuss or problem over the name of God.
The Muslims in Sarawak, Jack (who asked that only his first name be used) reasoned, were not just tolerant of other faiths. They have accepted non-Muslims as a daily fact of life the same way parents accept that their children have different personalities.
A government servant, he had earlier said he hoped the spate of attacks against churches in the peninsula would not spill over into Sarawak.
Though he was upset over the broken windows of the Anglican Good Shepherd Church in Lutong, Miri, Jack’s faith in Sarawak’s Muslims has not been shaken.
“I hugely believe that this is an isolated case, and most Sarawakian Muslims and also Sarawakians are surprised that such an incident could happen at all in Sarawak,” said Jack. Many of the people interviewed for this article asked that their names be changed due to the volatility of the topic.
It is this renowned bond between the non-Muslims and Muslims of Sarawak and Sabah that has often been held up by peninsula politicians as the ultimate model of race-relations.
Yet while these politicians speak highly of East Malaysia’s ethnic unity, they seldom make any serious attempt to get peninsular Malaysians to emulate it.
Conversely, says Sabahans and Sarawakians interviewed by The Malaysian Insider, the insular race, religion and language politics of the peninsula have often been imported and forced upon East Malaysians for as long as the states have been part of the federation.
And this is what unsettles them when it comes to the turmoil about who gets to use “Allah”: that again, the peninsula-centric Federal government is telling them to change an elemental aspect of their lives that has never before been a problem.
In other words, says a Sabah Government officer, it was never a problem until the “Semenanjung” people made it a problem.
When his friends greet him with the salaam, Mujahid, 20, is never confused as to whether the person is a Muslim or not. Nor does it matter to him.
Neither does he or the Sarawakian Muslims he knows think to ask why Christians in the state use “Allah” in their prayers or sermons.
“It is very condescending to me when someone tells me that I will be confused when non-Muslims use ‘Allah’ because my faith (in Islam) is not weak … Me and my family are extremely disappointed by the uproar and all these attacks on churches,” says Mujahid, a university student.
Sarawakians and Sabahans are saddened by how an age-old community norm of theirs has suddenly turned into a fractious issue by those who do not understand the history of the practice.
Dayak community leader Dr John Brian Anthony explains how when Christianity was being propagated to the East Malaysian natives roughly 100 years ago, the texts that were used were imported from Indonesia.
These texts used the term Allah and were in Bahasa Indonesia, which was similar to the Melayu Kuno used by the natives.
“My elders and me use the same text till today because that is the language we know. If someone tells me that my language is wrong, then I say ‘Why?’ Is it about Aqidah (faith) or is it about form?”
The Home Ministry banned the use of Allah in The Herald’s Bahasa Malaysia section. Yet it is this version which is widely read by Catholics and other Christians in East Malaysia.
When the High Court overturned the ban in Dec 31 last year, it caused an uproar among peninsula-based Muslim groups.
However, Anthony says, East Malaysian Muslims have never opposed the use of “Allah” by Christians and other non-Muslims.
Political scientist Dr Faisal Syam Hazis of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) puts it another way: “The use of Allah by non-Muslims has already been embedded in East Malaysian society for more than 100 years. It has never been an issue. So why are these peninsular Muslims suddenly jumping up and down over it?”
For Dr Zaini Othman of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, the “confusion” that is being felt by the Muslims he meets in the state is why the issue is being raised now.
“Based on my daily experience with Sabahans, this is what they are asking. They feel that there is a hidden political agenda behind it.”
Though the Federal government has been at pains to stress that the issue is not about political mileage, Kuching-based blogger Norman Goh doubts that the violence it has spurred is being tackled seriously.
“First you allow the protests (by Muslim groups). Then when the attacks happen, you say [you] ‘might’ use the ISA (Internal Security Act). When Hindraf, Bersih and Bar Council rallies occurred, you did not hesitate to use the ISA,” says Goh, 23.
Faisal’s colleague, Dr Andrew Aeria, was unequivocal in his reading of the debacle.
“The view here is that Umno has fanned all of this. They seek to impose their racist imaginings on the rest of Malaysia without realising that Malaysia also contains Sarawak and Sabah.”
What Aeria is referring to is the fluid, non-communal approach to ethnic relations in East Malaysia, where groups do not seek to impose their norms or beliefs onto others.
It is helped by the fact that in the historical memory and the demographics of these two states, no group has been dominant.
The ethnic demarcations are also not enforced by politics, says Aeria, where political parties are not formed just to serve one group.
“Some parties have many members of one group but they are intrinsically multi-racial. This is where you see parties like SUPP (Sarawak United People’s Party) that looks like a Chinese party but it fields Bumiputera candidates.”
Unimas’ Aeria and Faisal also dispute the views of a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) race-relations expert who contended that for Sarawak Muslims, religion was not as important as tribal identity.
In a previous The Malaysian Insider article, Prof Dr Mansor Mohd Noor of UKM Inter-ethnic Studies Institute gave an opinion that peninsular Muslims were less tolerant when it came to questions on Islam than their Sarawak and Sabah brethren.
“For Muslims in East Malaysia, the use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is not a problem because their identity is tied to a tribe rather than to a religion,” Mansor has said in the article titled “Allah unites some and divides others”.
“Saying that is almost like saying we Sarawak Muslims are less Islamic than the ones in the peninsula just because we can tolerate Christians using ‘Allah’,” says Faisal.
East Malaysians of all creeds are passionate about their faith and identity but they were more accepting of each other, says Aeria.
“If you are saying that peninsular Muslims cannot be as tolerant as the ones in East Malaysia, are you saying that peninsular Muslims want to remain racist? What is wrong with emulating East Malaysian tolerance?”
Conversely, since the debate over whether to allow non-Muslims to use “Allah” is currently being determined in the peninsula, it seems that West Malaysians have no problems imposing their beliefs on East Malaysians.
And that, says those interviewed, would be very unfortunate for Sarawak and Sabah.
[Source : The Malaysian Insider]
Tough decisions we have to make
The story given below is quite interesting and really gives us an insight into DECISION MAKING. Which one will you choose?
A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange. You could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way?
Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make................
Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child.
You might think the same way, I guess. Exactly, Many people thought the same way initially because to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally.
But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place?
Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was.
This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority are.
The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him.
The kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens. If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track! Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all passengers on board at stake!
And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids.
While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one.
"Remember that what's right isn't always popular......................................................
.........................................................................and what's popular isn't always right."
(Source from website : Sacrifice - Intelligent Minority Vs Ignorant Majority)
In Malaysia it will be the opposite. The government of the day will sacrifice the minority by unleashing the ignorant majority. I'm certain that Allah will be ruled and exclusive word for Malay Muslims only. You may debate until the cows come home with facts and historical reference....... in Malaysia with the present Government, Allah will be for Malay Muslim only.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday Humour
A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City , where a woman
may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a
description of how the store operates.
You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper
ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch .... You may choose any man
from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go
back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the
sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids and are extremely good
'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the fourth
floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead good
looking and help with the housework.
'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!' Still, she goes to the
fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this
floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the
building, and have a nice day!
Please send this to all men for a good laugh and to all the women who can
handle the truth! He he he he !
A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart.
The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.
'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife.
'They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,' he replies.
'Put them back, we can't afford them,' demands the wife, and so they carry on
A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and
puts it in the basket.
'What do you think you're doing?' asks the husband.
'It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,' replies the wife.
Her husband retorts: 'So does 24 cans of Budweiser ... At half the price.'
On the PA system: 'Cleanup needed on aisle 25, we have a husband down.'