Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An IIU student speaks her mind

"The government, and UIA were being unfair.

Aziz Bari does not belong to UIA; he belongs to those who love knowledge. When he talks about the truth, and happens to side with the opposition’s stance, it is unfair that they bring him down just because they felt that they’ve been slapped.

What about the professor who said that Malaysia was never colonised? He is a disgrace and he is the one who should be suspended. Aziz was just giving his comments. He has even criticised the opposition before.”

[Yuyuluna, 22-year Malay literature student, UIA]

1 comment:

  1. Mudah sangat untuk mempertikaikan atau memperlekehkan UIA kerana tindakannya terhadap Aziz bari. Tidak pula terfikir kenapa UIA buat begitu dan kenapa ianya perlu. Sudah tentu ada asas yang kuat kenapa UIA berbuat begitu. Pun begitu, manusia mudah melatah dan buat keputusan sedangkan orang-orang Islam telahpun diajar supaya tunggu dari buat sebarang keputusan sebelum mendengar dari kedua-dua pihak. Yang pasti, cerita penuh dari UIA belum lagi didengari namun tidak kurang yang sudah menuduh UIA bertindak tidak tepat dan ada pula yang menuduh UIA tidak bertamaddun sebelum mendengar apa yang UIA hendak katakan.
