Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aliran On-line forum

If you are one who enjoys participating in online discussion and/or forums, do read the following.

Aliran is revamping its website and today, we are launching a regular column “Thinking Allowed online,” featuring almost daily commentaries on current issues.

We look at the story behind the news and analyse the issues behind the headlines from a perspective of justice, human rights, multi-ethnic politics and universal spiritual values – all that Aliran stands for.

For this endeavour, we have assembled a team of more than two dozen columnists – a blend of veteran activists, renowned scholars and seasoned commentators.

Kicking off the new section is Aliran president P Ramakrishnan with a piece“Traitors and treachery!”

“If ever elected representatives are turned into renegades and turncoats, we must not only punish these traitors in the next round of elections but we must severely punish the party that encourages treachery,” says Ramakrishnan, in the inaugural commentary.

In the weeks to come, we will be further revamping and expanding our online commentaries to position Aliran as a must-read to find out what makes Malaysia tick.

These commentaries will be more timely and current, and they will complement our existing online material made up of the usual Aliran Monthly articles, media statements and civil society concerns.

Check out the Aliran website now – and keep an eye out for team of daily commentators.

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